=== Customize Meta Widget === Author: Jehy Tags: widget,widgets,ad,ads,menu,meta Requires at least: 2.6 Tested up to: 4.0 Stable tag: 0.2 Customize `meta` widget without modifying of any source code! == Description == Customize `meta` widget without modifying of any source code - for example, remove sometimes unneccessary link to wordpress.org ####History 0.1 - first release 0.2 - short php tag replaced with long, for compatibility ####What does it do? Plugin replaces wordpress's "Meta" menu with it's own built-in variant, without link to wordpress.org. After it, you can edit meta menu in plugin file instead of changing wordpress core files. ####Localization * None (universal plugin, uses wordpress language files) ####Please! If you don't rate my plugin as 5/5 - please write why - and I will change plugin, add options and fix bugs. It's very unpleasant to see silient low rates. If you don't understand what plugin does - also don't rate it ;) ####Questions If you have troubles with my plugin, need more details, or have suggestions - please visit [my blog](http://jehy.ru/articles/2009/02/09/wordpress-plugins/) for more info. ####Donate or help? If you want to ensure the future development and support of this plugin, you can make donation [on this page](http://jehy.ru/articles/donate/) or just write about this plugin in your blog. == Installation == 1. Upload the complete folder `customize-meta-widget` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Open plugin file and edit code inside it as much as you want (you will find further instructions inside plugin file). 4. Enjoy